New Moon in Capricorn
Hello everyone, and happy new moon!
Welcome to Moon Moments, and thank you for being here. This is a program where we gather every two weeks, on the new and full moons. Each new moon is a time for invitation, longing, intention-setting, and introspection; and full moons are times for gratitude, celebration, connection, and reflection. In the dark of a new moon, we plant seeds that grow for six months and culminate with a bright full moon in the same astrological sign, which then wanes for six months until it empties and returns to a new moon in that sign, and the cycle begins again.
Today’s new moon is in the astrological sign of Capricorn.
We are on the unceded traditional lands of the Duwamish Tribe, “the people of the inside”. As we take this time to connect with the earth, let us honor with gratitude the past, present, and future Duwamish people, who are the family of this land. This land offers us so much; may we offer back to the land and their Duwamish kin through this time together, through what we nurture in and between us, and through what we do with what we receive from this time. We hold deep thanks and deep intention for justice for the Duwamish people in this space.
For tonight’s moment of arrival, we will stretch and open the part of the body associated with Capricorn: the knees.
From your seated position, lift one foot up onto the front of your seat and hug your knee to chest as you are able. Hold it close for a few deep breaths, then lower that foot back to the ground and repeat with the other leg.
Next, cross one leg over the other so that your knees are stacked. Interlock your fingers and place your flat palms on your thigh just above the top knee. Breathe deeply, then fold forward slowly on the exhale. Hold this for a few slow breaths, then repeat on the other side.
Sit or stand with a wide base and tall spine. Breathe deeply and imagine sinking a centimeter deeper into your seat or the ground as you exhale. Bring your attention to the sensation of your body touching the surface that holds you up. Press your feet to the ground and/or press your legs and bottom into the seat below you. Feel the pressure of the resistance, the firmness of the surface. Allow yourself to take up space as you sit, to widen your base and feel your center of gravity lower and strengthen.
Now I invite you to imagine roots growing down from wherever your body touches a surface. From your feet, your seat, maybe even your lower back if it touches a chair too. Breathe fully and comfortably, and picture your roots slowly extending down and out with each exhale. No need to rush this image. Let them creep if that’s what comes to mind. Keeping your back straight, try to visualize the roots splitting into many tendrils and stretching as deep and wide as you can, perhaps to the corners of the room or beyond.
Within this fertile darkness, I invite you to imagine little lights that the ends of the roots reach and to imagine these little glimmers of energy traveling up and in through this network toward your center. As you inhale, imagine drawing the little glowing beads of energy up into your heart. From far away, your root system finds energy, life, nourishment, and magic to fuel your growth.
Now, as you continue to breathe, picture extending up little by little with each inhale. With each exhale, imagine little green leaves sprouting and spreading from your branches. Not rushing or pushing, let this growth continue as you breathe calmly, both gentle and focused. Stretch your arms up if you’d like to, reaching for the sun or angling elbows and fingers up and out like branches and twigs. In your imagination, with your body, I invite you to let the canopy of your tree grow out as wide and tall as your roots, as far as you can dream up. With a straight and aligned spine, let your trunk be a channel for energy to flow.
As you rest and breathe into the ease of this energy flow, I invite you to visualize fruits growing from the centers of your palms. What fruit are you growing in this season? How does it taste? Is it sweet? How does it nourish? In your minds eye, let these fruit continue to grow throughout the branches, all the way to the far ends and tippy top.
As you breathe, imagine your roots inching toward everyone else’s until they’re intertwined like hands held with fingers interlaced. With your inhale, receive nutrients from others. Sometimes we need help. With your exhale, send nutrients out to each other. Sometimes others need our help. Back and forth, sharing our surplus and accepting support — this is how we live. This is how we survive, this is how we thrive.
Holding your hands to your heart, see if you can imagine a glowing here. Maybe you can even feel that glow. Releasing the image of the tree, bring your focus to this glowing heart. Here inside of you is a seed that holds the blueprint for this entire sprawling, sturdy, abundant tree. As you breathe in and out, I invite you to imagine this seed sinking in and lodging within you, still glowing with power and potential.
Holding yourself softly, knowing that this power is always here to return and tend to, you can begin a slow return to our shared space by wiggling your toes and fingers. Gradually wake your body up to the present moment by rolling your shoulders, hips, knees, ankles. Maybe sway a bit or stretch. If you have closed your eyes, flutter them open when you are ready and look around the room, especially behind you. Take a deep breath in and out, exhaling out this experience that we are closing.
In this moment between the winter solstice and the turning of the Gregorian calendar — two solar new years — the new moon in Capricorn gives us a moment to set intentions for our next journey through the cycle of the seasons.
Capricorn is a sign that knows how to prioritize. Capricorn is conscious of time because it is ruled by Saturn, so it both takes the present moment seriously and plays the long game. This is a sign that knows its power, that knows it can do anything and, thus, doesn’t waste time worrying whether an endeavor will work out. It reminds me of Yoda: “Do or do not; there is no try.” Cap knows that it can do.
So what do you want to do this winter? This next year? Let’s take about twenty minutes to collage about our plans.
Please pull out your journal, phone notes app, or whatever you prefer to use for reflection. I invite you to spend the next ten minutes with the following prompt:
What is holding me back or doesn’t serve my goals? How can I release this AND forgive myself?
For our last activity, everyone who wants will receive a two-card tarot reading about what we are seeding with this new moon in Capricorn. The first card will represent an intention or goal that is coming forward for you now, and the second card will represent an actionable habit or rhythm that can support you in this endeavor.
I am using a deck called The Future Ancestor Tarot and its companion guidebook, both by Alexa Villanueva of Lexa Luna Studio.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful presence with each person here tonight. It is a gift that you offer simply by showing up.
Our next gathering will be on January 13 for the full moon in Cancer. I hope to see you there!